Friday, January 2, 2009

The Bush Kids

Here is Rebekah!!! It is so hard to believe that she is 16!! She is driving and is the manager of the girls basketball team!! Softball is her sport, so she is ready for the Spring!! She is a Sophomore and has a good head on her shoulders. She wants to go into Sports Medicine, so we have been looking into a few schools. Her grades have been good and she is working hard in school!!
This is Bailey!! She is eight years old now and in the third grade. She loves to play basketball and does really well in school. She excels at reading and the teachers just love her. Her sweet spirit brings us lots of smiles everyday!!!
Here is Jacie!!! She is the youngest of the Bush clan. We have had her since she was 10 months old and she has been a true blessing. She is my one child that has been sent to the principals office for wanting to sit under her desk to listen because it is much quieter under there. She has been a challenge, however I have seen the Lord do some amazing things in this little one's life. She loves Kindergarten!!!! She wears paint home everyday, so I could own stock in spray and wash!!!

This is Buddy. He is a Junior and is 16. he is my quiet one. he is playing basketball and is a great team player. He has taken some wood shop classes at school and love doing anything that involves using his hands. God has gifted him with a true talent and we are praying with him to see what the Lord has for his future.
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1 comment:

  1. well mom i can say that you did good we are all good looking kids i could say!!!!! Now Madea Jo and i are going to buy you a BLACK PURSE and show you how to use it kids are gonna call you madea when they are popping their gum in the back of your car you can show em how its done are a true hero of mine i know i dont show it but i love you and im sorry for being such a pain sometines but i love you bunches MADEA
